Silver-Spine Thistle
Creeping Thistle
Wool Bearing Thistle
Prickly Himalayan Thistle
Common Thistle
Long-Spine Thistle
Erect Horseweed
Floppy Himalayan Aster
Laka Aster
Mouse Ear Coreopsis
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Golden Coreopsis
Coreopsis Moonbeam
Chocolate Cosmos
Cosmos Pied Piper Red
Pink Cosmos
White Cosmos
Wild Cosmos
Sulphur Cosmos
Yellow Chamomile
Australian Buttonweed
Ladakh Thistle
Arnica Himalayan Sunflower
Drooping Yellow Cremanthodium
Himalayan Mini Sunflower
Indian Cremanthodium
Rose-Head Cremanthodium
Himalayan Hawksbeard
Many-Stem Hawksbeard
Sacred Hawksbeard
Chinese Wormwood
String of Bananas
String of Pearls
Blue Fingers
Western Ghats Vernonia
Little Ironweed
Scarlet Dahlia
Decorative Dahlia
Tree Dahlia
Merck's Dahlia
Waterlily Dahlia
East-Asian Buttonhead
Mum-Leaf Buttonhead