Results of Search in Flowers of India

Search mode: "AND" "OR"
Query: krishan lal
Search time: 0.0006 sec.

Found: krishan-225 lal-283

  1. Maharanga thomsonii
    White Himalayan Maharanga

  2. Crotalaria hirsuta
    Hairy Rattlepod

  3. Senecio krascheninnikovii
    Hindukush Senecio

  4. Trachydium roylei
    Camphor Parsley

  5. Hypericum dyeri
    Loosestrife Hypericum

  6. Rhodiola bupleuroides
    Bhutan Rhodiola

  7. Astragalus trichocarpus
    Hairy Fruit Milk-Vetch

  8. Vicia tenera
    Delicate Himalayan Vetch

  9. Ceropegia longifolia
    Longleaf Ceropegia

  10. Leucomeris spectabilis
    Showy Whiteweed

  11. Vincetoxicum tenerrimum
    Tender Himalayan Ipecac

  12. Dioscorea melanophyma
    Black-Bulb Yam

  13. Primula minutissima
    Tiny Primrose

  14. Salvia strobilifera
    Cone-Bearing Sage

  15. Mitreola petiolata
    Lax Hornpod

  16. Senecio scandens
    Climbing Senecio

  17. Aconitum laeve
    Grape-Leaved Monkshood

  18. Caragana brevispina
    Long-Stalked Peashrub

  19. Primula malacoides
    Fairy Primrose

  20. Blumea viscosa
    Sticky Blumea

Found 220 files.

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |

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