Results of Search in Flowers of India

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Query: habenaria
Search time: 0.0004 sec.

Found: habenaria-61

  1. Peristylus plantagineus
    Plantain Peristylus

  2. Peristylus caranjensis
    Karanja Peristylus

  3. Peristylus richardianus
    Richards Peristylus

  4. Pecteilis triflora
    Three Flowered Egret Orchid

  5. Habenaria perrottetiana
    Yellow Habenaria

  6. Habenaria ensifolia
    Sword-Leaf Habenaria

  7. Habenaria medusa
    Medusa Habenaria

  8. Brachycorythis helferi
    East-Indian Short-Helmet Orchid

  9. Platanthera urceolata
    Pitcher Habenaria

  10. Habenaria viridiflora
    Green-Flowered Habenaria

  11. Habenaria reniformis
    Kidney-Leaved Habenaria

  12. Brachycorythis obcordata
    Heart-Shaped Short-Helmet Orchid

  13. Peristylus goodyeroides
    Goodyera-Like Peristylus

  14. Platanthera stenantha
    Slim-Flower Habenaria

  15. Habenaria heyneana
    Toothbrush Orchid

  16. Pecteilis gigantea
    Giant Egret Flower

  17. Habenaria longicornu
    Long-Horned Habenaria

  18. Habenaria cephalotes
    Compact Habenaria

  19. Habenaria acuifera
    Yellow Eastern Habenaria

  20. Habenaria digitata
    Green Habenaria

Found 61 files.

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