Results of Search in Flowers of India

Search mode: "AND" "OR"
Query: lamiaceae
Search time: 0.0004 sec.

Found: lamiaceae-206

  1. Premna coriacea
    Leathery Premna

  2. Salvia involucrata
    Rosebud Sage

  3. Melissa axillaris
    Small-Flowered Melissa

  4. Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'
    Mona Lavender

  5. Leucas lavandulifolia
    Lavender-Leaved Leucas

  6. Micromeria biflora
    Lemon Savory

  7. Leonurus sibiricus

  8. Ajuga integrifolia
    Bracted Bugleweed

  9. Plectranthus rotundifolius
    Chinese Potato

  10. Perovskia abrotanoides
    Russian Sage

  11. Salvia farinacea
    Mealy Blue Sage

  12. Nepeta floccosa
    Woolly Catmint

  13. Elsholtzia flava
    Yellow Himalayan Mint

  14. Leucas decemdentata
    Flaccid Leucas

  15. Clinopodium umbrosum
    Shady Calamint

  16. Elsholtzia eriostachya
    Fuzzy Himalayan Mint

  17. Mentha longifolia subsp. hymalaiensis
    Himalayan Horsemint

  18. Nepeta linearis
    Narrow-Leaved Catmint

  19. Leucas stricta
    Erect Leucas

  20. Anisomeles heyneana
    Western Hill Catmint

Found 206 files.

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |

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