Yellowseed Lindernia is an annual, stout, erect or
sometimes rising up herb. Flowers are borne
singly in leaf-axils, on slender 4-angled flower-stalks,
7-12 mm long; equalling or longer than the subtending
leaves. Flowers are 6-7 mm
long, white, occasionally with pale purple spots, tube 4.5-5 mm long; upper
lip 1.5 mm long, slightly notched at the tip; lower lip distinctly
3-lobed, lobes rounded. Perfect stamens are 2, filaments 1 mm long,
hairless; anthers 2-lobed, coherent below the upper lip. Style is 2.5-3 mm
long. Sepal-cup is deeply 5-lobed, sepals 3-5 mm long, linear or lanceshaped,
tip pointed, sparsely glandular hairy when young. Stem is
four-edged, hairless, much branched near base. Leaves are stalkless,
basal ones larger, smaller towards tip, 0.5-2.5 x 0.2-1.5 cm, ovate or
ovate-elliptic, upper ones narrowly ovate to lanceshaped, 3-5 veined
from base, base
wedge-shaped-narrowed or rounded, tip pointed to tapering, occasionally
blunt, margin entire or shallowly 2-3 toothed, largest leaves near
base. Capsule is 4-5 x 1.7-2 mm, ellipsoid or obliquely ellipsoid,
blunt to pointed at tip, hairless, equalling or slightly longer than
persistent sepal-cup. Seeds are 0.3-0.4 x 0.1-0.2 mm, ellipsoid or
slightly bent, golden yellowish, longitudinally ridged. Yellowseed
Lindernia is native to the American continents, naturalized in India
and elsewhere. Flowering: July-December.