Yellowish Edelweiss is a perennial herb with stems
erect and firm, 5-15 cm tall, with 4-8 remote leaves, ash-colored
woolly, sometimes becoming hairless in lower half. Flower-heads are
5-7, heterogamous and unisexual-dioecious, densely aggregated, 5-7 mm
in diameter; bracteal leaves distinct, oblong-elliptic or lanceshaped,
forming rather regular multiradiate star of 1.5-2 cm in diameter, below
ash-colored woolly, above loosely woolly, pallid yellow, sometimes even
ash- to sulfur-colored in dried plant. Phyllaries are lanceshaped, 4-5
mm, below yellowish woolly or greenish, with prominent brown or almost
black shiny tip. Flowers are 3-4 mm. Leaves are ash-colored woolly on
both surfaces, sometimes greenish hairless below, without a distinct
vein; stem leaves oblong, lingulate, lanceshaped, or
linear-lanceshaped, 10-250 x 2-4 mm, tip blunt or pointed. Rosette
leaves are oblong-spoon-shaped or narrowly oblong, 20-40 x 2-4.5 mm,
narrowed to sheath. Seedpods are hairless or papillose, pappus dirty
white, in sterile bisexual florets 3-5 mm, in female florets 4-5 mm.
Yellowish Edelweiss is found in humid or dry meadows, stony fields of
slopes, at altitudes of 2200-5000 m, Afghanistan to Siberia and West
Himalaya. Flowering: May-August.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Ladakh.
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