The bright Yellow Jacobinia is a herbaceous shrub that hails from
Mexico and Central America. This plant has huge, dark green leaves and the
flower is similar in appearance to it's cousin, the Brazilian Plume plant
except that it is about 6-8 inches long and bright yellow. The long terminal
spikes are carried from late summer to early winter, and can exceed 25 cm in
length. Keep the buds forming by removing faded flowerheads promptly. Justicia
aurea can be propagated from 10cm cuttings taken in spring and potted up under
heat. If left to its own devices, it will reach a height of around 1.5-2m, but
ideally it should be pruned back hard in early spring to produce a good
compact plant.
Identification credit: R.K. Nimai Singh, Pamela
Photographed in Garden of Five Senses, Delhi.
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