Yellow Himalayan Oxeye Daisy
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Yellow Himalayan Oxeye Daisy
ative Photo: Suresh Rana
Common name: Yellow Himalayan Oxeye Daisy • Chinese: 金黄侧金盏花 Jin Huang Ce Jin Zhan Hua
Botanical name: Adonis chrysocyathus    Family: Ranunculaceae (Buttercup family)
Synonyms: Adonis margaritae, Chrysocyathus falconeri

Yellow Himalayan Oxeye Daisy is a perennial herb with a long vertical rootstock. Stems are 12-25 cm high, up to 40 cm after flowering, erect, simple. Leaves are confined to the upper part, reddish at base with short granules, lower leaves with a long stalks, the upper stalkless, multiply cut into feathery shape, lobes linear-lanceshaped to ovate-rhombic, long-pointed, sparsely hairy beneath when young. Flowers are bright yellow, single on a velvet-hairy stalk. Sepals are 6-8, 1.2-1.5 cm, elliptical, lilac, hairy, toothed, apex obtuse. Petals are 16-24 in number, 2.5-2.7 cm long, 5.8 mm broad, inverted-lanceshaped, blunt. Achenes are arranged in a globose head, with a long involute beak, 5-7 mm long. Yellow Himalayan Oxeye Daisy is found growing in large clumps on alpine meadows in the Himalyas, from Kashmir to W. Nepal and W. Tibet, at altitudes of 3000-4300 m. Flowering: July-August.

Identification credit: Suresh Rana Photographed in Paddar Valley, Jammu & Kashmir.

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