Yellow Avens is a perennial herb with stems erect,
30-100 cm tall, together with leaf-stalks spreading rigid hairy, rarely
becoming hairless. Flowers are borne at branch-ends, in lax clusters.
Flowers are 1-1.7 cm across; flower-stalk velvet-hairy or hirtellous.
Sepals are ovate-triangular, tip tapering; false sepals lanceshaped,
minute, about 1/2 as long as sepals, tip tapering, rarely 2-fid. Petals
are yellow, nearly round, longer than sepals. Radical leaves are
lyrate-pinnate, 5-15 cm including leaf-stalk, usually with 2-6 pairs of
leaflets, both surfaces sparsely rigid hairy; leaflets unequal, at
branch-ends one largest, broadly rhombic-ovate or compressed round,
4-15 x 5-15 cm, base broadly heart-shaped to wedge-shaped, margin
usually irregularly coarsely sawtoothed, tip blunt or pointed. Stem
leaves: stipules green, leaflike, ovate, large, margin irregularly
coarsely sawtoothed; leaf blade pinnate, sometimes repeatedly lobed;
end leaflet lanceshaped or obovate-lanceshaped. Achene are aggregate
obovoid; fruiting receptacle bristly, achenes hirtellous. Yellow Avens
is found in Temperate Northern Hemisphere. Flowering: July-October.