Woolly-Stamen Geranium is probably the largest-flowered
of the Geraniums found in the Himalayas. Flowers are large, looking
down, pale pink or rarely white, with purple veins, 4-6 cm across. They
are borne in two-flowered groups on long stalks. Sepals are 1-1.4 cm
long, covered with glandular hairs. Stamen filaments are 8-11 mm long,
prominent, and densely covered with long hairs. Bracts are lanceshaped,
1-2 cm. Leaves are often upto 10 cm across, palmately cut to about 3/4
of the length. Flowers are borne above the leaves on long stalks.
Woolly-Stamen Geranium is found in the Himalayas, from Kashmir, Garhwal to
Sikkim and S. Tibet, at altitudes of 2300-4200 m. Flowering:
Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh
Photographed in Apharwat, Kashmir.
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