Botanical name:Stachys floccosaFamily:Lamiaceae (Mint family)
Woolly Woundwort os a perennial herb with stems
erect 40-150 cm, sturdy, obtusely guadrangular, unbranched or with few
branches, with a dense white woolly long hairs, leafy. Leaves are green
above and white below, ovate to ovate-lanceshaped, 5-8 x 2.5-4.5 cm,
heart-shaped, toothed, pointed, densely white woolly below. Leaves are
decreasing in size up the stem and transform into floral leaves and
bracts. Lower leaf-stalks are up to 4 cm, less above. Flowers are borne
in many-flowered clusters on distant interrupted spikes. Bracts are
ovate-lanceshaped, about 5 mm. Sepal cup greyish-green, about 9 mm
long, not 2-lipped, densely hairy with long hairs,
triangular-campanulate; teeth erect, equal, c. 3 mm,
acuminate-spinulose; throat of tube rather densely vinous. Flowers are
white, pink to pale purple, 1-1.2 cm; upper lip straight, silky; lower
lip 3-lobed, longer than upper; tube curved slender. Stamens remain
under the upper lip. Style is shortly 2-lobed. Nutlets brown, ovoid, c.
2 x 1.5 mm, apically rounded. Woolly Woundwort is found in the
Himalayas, from
Afghanistan, Pakistan to Kashmir, NW India. Flowering: June-September.
Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh
Photographed at Kishtwar & Shankaracharya Hill, Kashmir.
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