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Botanical name: Senna hirsuta Family: Caesalpiniaceae (Gulmohar family)
Synonyms: Cassia hirsuta, Senna hirsuta var. hirsuta, Cassia tomentosa Woolly Cassia is an erect or diffuse undershrub,
densely hairy all over. Leaves are up to 18 cm long, usually with 3-5
pairs of leaflets; leaflets 3.5-6 x 2-3.5 cm, ovate or elliptic, base
rounded, tip tapering, silky hairy on both sides; axis 8-12 cm long, a
large black gland on the axis just below the lowest leaflets; stipules
5-8 mm long, linear-lanceshaped. Flowers yellow, c.1.5 cm across, in in
leaf-axils and at branch-ends few-flowered racemes; flower-stalks 1-1.4
cm long; bracts linear. Sepals 5, 5-8 mm long, oblong, densely hairy
without. Petals 5, 0.8-1 cm long, obovate, blunt. Stamens 10 , unequal,
6 or 7 fertile. Ovary 2-2.5 mm long, woolly; ovules many; style
hairless. Fruit is a stalkless, cylindrical ribbed pod, densely hairy;
seeds many, transverse. Woolly Cassia is native to South America, and
naturalized world-wide. In NE India, it is found in plains and hilly
areas. It grows spontaneously in waste locations, along roadsides, dry
ditches and in secondary forest.
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