Wild Jack is an evergreen tree, up to 50 m high, bark
10-15 mm thick, surface dull grey-brown, smooth, warty, exfoliations
thin, peeled surface red, fibrous; blaze creamy turning to
pinkish-yellow; exudation milky white, sticky, branchlets hairy. Leaves
are simple, alternate; stipules up to 4 cm long, lateral, densely tawny
bristly; leaf-stalk 1-3 cm long, stout, hairy; blade 13-25 x 7.5-15 cm,
broadly ovate, obovate or elliptic, base pointed, blunt or round, tip
somewhat pointed or very shortly tapering, margin entire, wavy,
leathery, hairless above, hairy-velvet-hairy beneath; lateral nerves
6-12 pairs, pinnate, prominent. Flowers are unisexual, minute,
yellowish-green; male in leaf-axils, drooping, in narrowly cylindric
spikes upto 15 cm long; tepals 2, united below; stamen 1; anther
protruding, ovate, bracteoles chaffy; female flowers in in leaf-axils
ovoid spikes; perianth tubular, confluent below with the receptacle;
ovary superior, straight, ovule drooping; style protruding; stigma
undivided. Fruit is a fleshy multiple fruit (like mulberry), 6-7.5 cm
across, spherical or ovoid, echinate, yellow when ripe, the spines
cylindric, straight, bristly, perforate at the tip for thread-like
style; seeds 16-18 mm long, ovoid, white. Wild Jackfruit is endemic to
the Western Ghats and are found in its evergreen forests.
Identification credit: P.S. Sivaprasad
Photographed in Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kannur District, Kerala.
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