Wild Allamanda is a perennial vine-like shrub with yellow
Allamanda like flowers.
Wild Allamanda are just recently gaining recognition. The flower color is
almost neon yellow throughout. Grows as a vine-like shrub when it is young.
Left to it own devices, it develops into a sprawling vine climbing over nearby
shrubs, trees and other structures. Flowers are about 2-3 inches across,
produced year-round on stem tips, although the plant is not covered with
flowers like the Allamanda. There are usually some flowers on the plant all
year long. As with most plants of Oleander family, all parts of Wild Allamandas
are poisonous if ingested. Handling plant may cause skin irritation.
Flowering: June-October.
Identification credit: Nandan Kalbag
Photographed in Sundar Nagar, Delhi
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