White-Flowered Fleabane is an annual herb, with
stems erect, 1-5 ft tall. Leaves are stalkless, lanceshaped, 7-10 cm
long, 1.2-1.8 cm wide, margins minutely toothed, upper surface darker,
both surfaces densely covered in minute yellow glandular hairs.
Inflorescence is a rounded panicle of whitish flower-heads which are
broad-bell-shaped to spherical, 5-6 mm long, 5-7 mm diameter.
Involucral bracts are rusty velvety with paler margins. Florets are
reddish; marginal florets many, threadlike; inner florets about 4.
Achenes are ovoid, sparsely hairy with thickened margins; pappus of
many cream to purplish fine barbellate bristles about 3 mm long.
White-Flowered Fleabane is found in the Himalayas, Shimla eastwards to
Burma, Malaya, Thailand, Indo-China, China, Philippines, Java, New
Caledonia, Australia, at altitudes of 700-1200 m. Flowering:
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Pelling, Sikkim.
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