Common name: Western Ghats Top-Fruit Tree • Kannada: ಅಂಬಟ Ambata, ಉಳುಗೇರ Ulugera • Malayalam: ഈര Ira • Tamil: சிகட்டை Cikattai, பேச்சேறு மரம் Pecceru Maram
Source: Names of Plants in India
Western Ghats Top-Fruit Tree is a tree up to 12 m tall.
Bark is finely fissured, blaze pinkish brown. Branchlets are slender,
round, hairless. Milk is dirty white. Leaves are simple, alternate,
spirally arranged. Stalks are 0.6-1.5 cm long. Leaf balde is 6-16 x
1.2-4.5 cm narrow elliptic, oblong to narrow oblong, tip tapering,
falling off, base narrow to flat, margin wavy, papery, hairless,
glaucous beneath. Midrib is raised above, secondary nerves 14-20 pairs,
moderate in angle, parallel; tertiary nerves weakly percurrent. Flowers
are borne in axillary racemes sometimes in paniculate racemes. Flowers
are small, calyx small, 4-lobed, margins ciliate with many dark
longitudinal swellings on ventral surface, persistent, imbricate.
Petals are 4, oblong, hairless, spreading, imbricate. Disc is annular,
4-lobed, stamens 4, inserted under the margin of the disc, filaments
subulate, ovary ovoid, superior, 1-celled, style short, stigma
capitate, ovule pendulous from near the top of the cell from a
flattened funicle. Drupe is compressed, top-shaped, 1-seeded.
Western Ghats Top-Fruit Tree
is found in Western Ghats and Sri Lanka. Flowering: April-June.
Identification credit: Navendu Page
Photographed at Agumbe Ghat, Karnataka.
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