West-Himalayan Ceropegia is a perennial herb that grows
upright and reaches a height of about 15 cm, and has spindle-shaped,
fleshy roots. The robust stem is slightly downy haired, it is leafy
only in the upper part. The leaves are stalkless or shortly stalked,
elliptic to ovate, about 2-2.5 cm long and densely downy haired on the
upper surface. The flowers appear in few to many-flowered fascicles and
are about 3-5 cm long. They are straight with oblong blunt petals hairy
margined inside. Petals are much shorter than the flower tube. Tube is
narrow, base inflated, mouth funnel shaped, acutely 5-angled. Petals
form and a narrow, oblong, obtuse crown 8-12 mm long, frilly with short
spindle-shaped stout hairs. Corona lobes are 10, triangular, frilly
hairy. Seed-pods are 1 foot long. West-Himalayan Ceropegia is found in the
Himalayas, from Uttarakhand to Nepal, at altitudes of 2500-2900 m.
Identification credit: Amber Srivastava
Photographed in Badshahithaul, Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand.
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