Wedge Leaf Sibbaldia is a small perennial herb,
characterized by tiny yellow flowers, just about peeping out from hairy
long sepals. Flowering stems are erect
or rising, 5-14 cm tall. Stems are covered with hairs. Leaves at the base
are 1.5-10 cm including the stalk. Leaves are divided into 3 leaflets,
green on both surfaces, broadly obovate or wedge-shaped, 0.8-2.5 × 0.6-1.8
cm. Both surfaces of the leaflets are hairy. Tips of the leaflets have 3-5
ovate teeth. Stem leaves are 1 or 2, similar to the lower leaves but
leaflets are smaller. Flowers arise in compact, hairy clusters at the end
of stems. Flowers tiny, 5-7 mm across, yellow. Sepals are ovate or oblong,
pointed. False sepals (epicalyx) are lance-shaped, as long as sepals,
hairy. Petals are yellow, obovate, nearly equaling or slightly longer than
sepals, with rounded tip. Wedge Leaf Sibbaldia is found in the Himalayas,
from Afghanistan to SW China, at altitudes of 3000-4500 m.
Flowering: June-August.
Identification credit: Nongthombam Ullysess
Photographed in Valley of Flowers, Uttarakhand & Kashmir.
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