Wavy-Petal Vandopsis is a large sized orchid growing
on trees or ground, with an elongate stem enveloped completely by
overlapping, leaf-bearing sheaths. The plant carries oblong leaves
which are unequally bilobed apically, narrowing slightly towards the
clasping base. The plant blooms in the spring on a 15-22.3 cm long,
striped, rigid, bright green, 4-8 flowered inflorescence with ovate,
blunt, green bracts carrying fragrant, waxy flowers. Flowers are
fragrant, 3-3.6 cm in diameter. Sepals and petals are white, lip yellow
to white at tip, lemon-yellow with purple-red basal striations, anther
cap yellow; flower-stalk and ovary about 2.7 cm, white. Dorsal sepal
nearly obovate, 2.5-4 x 0.8-1.2 cm, base clawed, margin wavy, tip
blunt; lateral sepals ovate-lanceshaped, 2.4-4 x 1.2-1.4 cm. Petals are
similar to sepals but smaller, margin wavy, tip blunt; lip shorter than
petals, 3-lobed. Wavy-Petal Vandopsis is found in Eastern Himalaya,
from Nepal to Bhutan, NE India to China, at altitudes of 1500-2300 m.
Identification credit: Pankaj Kumar
Photographed in Sukhiapokhari, Darjeeling, India.
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