Wavy-Leaf Speedwell is a perennial, rarely annual,
herb with stems, inflorescence axes, flower-stalks, calyces, and
capsules sparsely with capitate glandular hairs. Stems are erect or
prostrate at base, branched or not, 10-100 cm tall, fleshy. Leaves are
stalkless, stem-clasping upward; leaf blade mostly elliptic to ovate,
sometime ovate-oblong or linear-lanceshaped, rarely lanceshaped, 2-10 X
1-3.5 cm, margin usually sawtoothed. Flowers are borne in racemes
longer than leaves, 1-1.5 cm wide, many flowered, in leaf axils.
Flower-stalks are 3-5 mm, as long as or shorter than bract, straight,
at a right angle with inflorescence axis, patent in fruit. Sepal-cup is
4-lobed; sepals ovate-lanceshaped, about 3 mm, equal in size, erect to
patent, not appressed to capsule in fruit, tip pointed. Flowers are
pale blue, pale purple, or white, pinwheel-shaped, 4-5 mm in diameter;
tube short; petals broadly ovate, slightly unequal in width. Stamens
are shorter than flower. Capsule is nearly spherical, as long as wide
and as sepal-cup, slightly compressed, tip rounded and slightly
notched. Wavy-Leaf Speedwell is found from Afghanistan to India,
Himalayas and China, at altitudes up to 2800 m. Flowering:
Identification credit: J.M. Garg
Photographed in Delhi & Haryana.
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