Violet East-Himalayan Primrose is a delicate perennial herb with
an umbel of few violet-purple flowers with notched petals. It is named
for William Gambel, 19th century American naturalist, plant collector
and assistant curator at the National Academy of Sciences in
Philadelphia. The inflorescence doesn't have powdery coating found in
many similar species. Flowers are pink-purple or violet purple, with a
yellow or dull throat, limb 1.5-2.5 cm wide. Petals are broadly
obovate, deeply notched, often toothed at tip. Sepal cup is
tubular-bell-shaped, 5-6.5 mm, parted to 2/3--3/5, sepals lanceshaped.
Violet East-Himalayan Primrose is found in moss-covered crevices of wet cliffs in
the Eastern Himalayas, from E Nepal to Arunachal Pradesh, at altitudes
of 3600-4300 m. Flowering: June-July.
Identification credit: Surajit Koley
Photographed enroute to Bumla Pass, Arunachal Pradesh.
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