Velvet Leaf is a small climber with velvety branches.
Leaf stalk is inserted to 2 mm from margin - it is up to 7.4 cm long.
Leaf blade is 6-12 cm long, 7-14 cm broad, membranous to nearly
leathery, ovate to nearly round. Flowers are borne in 5 cm long cymes
in leaf axils. Male flowers are interesting - there are 4 roundish
sepals, larger than the petals. The four petals are fused into a disc.
Stamens arise in a central column. Female flowers have 1 sepal and 1
petal. Fruit is round, red. Velvet Leaf is native to India, Africa and
S. Asia. It is also found in the Himalayas, up to altitudes of 2300 m. Flowering: August-October.
Medicinal uses: Velvet Leaf is known as
Midwife's herb as mainly used in women aliments. It is used for
menstrual problems, hormonal imbalance, ease childbirth, postpartum
pain, prevent threatened miscarriage, and control uterine hemorrhages,
hormonal acne and premenstrual syndrome. It is used for heart problems,
kidney stones, kidney infections and pains, asthma, arthritis, muscle
cramps and stomach pains.