Two-Horned Tainia is a small sized, warm to cool
growing terrestrial orchid with cylindrical, basally swollen psedobulbs
carrying a single, apical, broadly elliptic leaf. Leaf is stalked,
tapering, thin, with 3 thickened veins. The plant blooms in the later
winter on an erect, 31-37.5 cm long, 45-0 cm long overall, axis 8-30 cm
long, 10-17 flowered inflorescence with patent to spreading, triangular
floral bracts and carrying wide spreasing, mostly simultaneously
opening flowers. Flowers are greenish yellow, dorsal sepal
linear-lanceshaped, blunt, 3-4-veined; lateral sepals curved
linear-lanceshaped, blunt, 3-5-veined; petals linear-lanceshaped,
curved, somewhat pointed, 3-7-veined; lip 18 x 1-9 mm, 3-lobed; lateral
lobes ovate, blunt; midlobe, inverted-heart-shaped or notched; disc
with 3 parallel ridges. Two-Horned Tainia is found in South India and
Sri Lanka. Flowering: November-December.
Identification credit: N Arun Kumar
Photographed in Kalakad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu.
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