Twin-Spined Cactus is a highly variable densely spined catcus. Some plants cluster aggressively and form 1-3 ft large clumps that appear white, while
other seem to stay more solitary. Stem is short cylindrical, light green
whith latex, up to 18 cm high and 8 cm in diameter. Tubercles are rounded
with latex. Axil are with white wool and 10-20 long white bristles. Spines
are variable too, some plants have very short while others have long
spines. Central spines are 2 (to 6) pure white or white with dark tip that
protrude far out from the rest, straight or slightly curved, 0.5 to 4 cm
long (or more). Radial spines are 16 to 20 chalky white, interlacing up to
7 mm long. Flowers are bell-shaped, pinkish to carmine red, with darker
midveins, up to 2 cm long and in diameter usually in a ring in the growth
of the previous year but sometime more randomly over the body. If grown
from seed, Twin-Spined Cactus can take seven to eight years before
flowering. Twin-Spined Cactus is native to Mexico.
Fruit: red
Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh
Photographed in Cactus Garden, Panchkula, Haryana.
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