Travancore Marsh Nut is a large tree, up to 35 m tall,
with bark fissured, blaze pink. Branchlets are stout, hairless, latex
black. Leaves are simple, alternate, spirally arranged, clustered at
twig ends; leaf-stalk 5-8 cm long, stout, round, swollen at base,
hairless. Leaf blade is 29-60 x 11-17 cm, wide obovate, tip rounded,
base pointed, margin curled, leathery, hairless; midrib flat above,
stout beneath; secondary nerves 14-18 pairs, straight, prominent,
raised above, curving at margin. Flowers are polygamous,
greenish-yellow borne in leaf-axils and at branch-ends, in hairless
panicles. Sepals are 5, overlapping, deciduous; petals 5, ovate,
hairless, overlapping; disc broad annular; stamens 5, inserted below
the disc; filaments thread-like, as long as or longer than the petals
in male flowers, shorter than petals in bisexual flowers. Drupe is
obliquely oblong, black, up to 3 cm long, seated on fleshy hypocarp,
1-seeded. Travancore Marsh Nut is endemic to Southern Western Ghats.
Flowering: November-March.
Identification credit: Joseph Thomas
Photographed in Idukki, kerala.
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