Travancore Caper is an erect shrub, about 2 m tall,
with floppy, hairy branches, early becoming hairless. Thorns are few,
straight or slightly curved, 2-2.5 mm long. Leaves are of two forms,
linear-oblong or oblong-lanceshaped to elliptic-ovate, pointed to
rounded at base, pointed with a sharp point at tip, 2.5-9 x 0.3-3.5 cm.
Lateral nerves are 5-7 pairs; leaf-stalks 2-6 mm long. Flowers are
showy, reddish purple to violet, 3.5-4.5 cm across, borne in 3-8
flowered clusters. Flower-stalks are 6-8 mm long, finely velvet-hairy
but early becoming hairless. Sepals are nearly equal, ovate, 7-8 x
3.5-4 cm, minutely finely velvet-hairy outside, densely woolly inside.
Petals are ovate or obovate, nearly equal, 1.8-2 x 0.6-0.9 cm, hairless
but woolly at base. Stamens are 40-60, prominent and showy, longer than
pistil. Gynophore is bent, 5-9 mm long, up to 1.1 cm in fruit. Ovary is
spindle-shaped, about 6 cm long (including beak), smooth, hairless,
often abortive; placentae 4. Fruits are ovoid or ellipsoid, apiculate,
3-3.5 x about 2 cm, smooth; seeds 8-10, 6.5-7 x about 6 mm; stalks
thin. Travancore Caper is endemic to Southern Western Ghats. Flowering:
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed in Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu.
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