Tiny-Head Pipewort is a stemless herb with rootstock
absent. Leaves are 4-6 mm x 0.5-1 mm, in a rosette, linear-lanceshaped,
tapering, hairless. Flower-cluster-stalks are few, up to 2 cm long,
sparsely hairy, rarely hairless, sparsely hoary towards the tip.
Sheaths up to 6 mm long, hairless; limb lanceshaped with pointed tip,
entire. Flower-heads are obovoid, about 1 mm across, grey; receptacles
convex, hairless; involucral bracts about 1 × 1 mm, obovate, blunt,
Tiny-Head Pipewort is only known from a small region in Maharashtra.
Flowering: August-October.
Identification credit: Ritesh Choudhary
Photographed in Sindhudurg District, Maharashtra.
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