Tiny Garhadiolus is a sparsely bristly annual plant
that reaches up to 5-25 cm long with stems branched from the base.
Leaves are 2-10 x 0.5-2.5 cm, inverted-lanceshaped, coarsely
wavy-toothed to pinnately cut with triangular lobes with pointed tip.
Flower-heads are composed of yellow florets surrounded by
cylindrical-bell-shaped involucre and arranged in cymose rigid leafless
inflorescences. Seed-pods are cylindrical, and incurved; marginal
achenes are partly enclosed by the persistent phyllaries, with a pappus
of minute hairs; while the inner achenes are hirtellous. Common in
Kashmir in dry places and wastelands, sometimes in cultivated fields.
Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh
Photographed in Kashmir.
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