Three-Leaf Walsura
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Three-Leaf Walsura
E Native Photo: Siddarth Machado
Common name: Three-Leaf Walsura • Kannada: ಮಳೆ ಸಗಡೆ Male sagade, ವಾಲುರ್ಸಿ Vaalursi • Malayalam: Perillapacha; Perilla ppichu • Tamil: Walsura, Cheddavokko, Kanjimaram
Botanical name: Walsura trifoliolata    Family: Meliaceae (Neem family)
Synonyms: Heynea trifolia, Walsura trifolia (incorr.)

Three-Leaf Walsura is a small tree, with bark brittle, branchlets velvet-hairy. Leaves are trifoliate, leaflets 4-8 x 3-4.5 cm, oblong, ovate-lanceshaped, tip blunt or notched, glossy below. Flowers are borne in corymbs in leaf-axils or at branch-ends. Flowers are white; sepals 5, 1 mm, ovate, velvet-hairy; petals are 5, 3 mm, oblong, lanceshaped; staminal tube velvet-hairy, deeply lobed, lobes bifid; anthers between the teeth, protruding; ovary 2-celled, velvet-hairy, stigma top-shaped. Berry is 2 x 1 cm, spherical; seeds solitary. Three-Leaf Walsura is found in India and Sri Lanka. Flowering: November-June.

Identification credit: Navendu Pāgé Photographed in Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu.

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