Tall Sanicula is a hairless 20-75 cm tall perennial
herb, symmetrically branched upwards. Leaves are palmately 3-foliolate,
papery; leaf-stalk to 9 cm; principal segments ovate, 3-6 x 2-3.5 cm,
base wedge-shaped, margin toothed, tip tapering. Umbels simple,
cymosely arranged, at branch-ends, also in upper axils, to 15 cm;
flower-cluster-stalk to 6 cm. Involucre of 2-6 lanceshaped bracts. Each
umbel of 3-6 staminate flowers, and 3 bisexual flowers. Sepals 5,
lanceshaped. Petals are 5, obovate, white. Stamens 5. Fruit is
ovoid-oblong, 3 x 2.5 mm, densely covered with uncinate bristles. Tall
Sanicula is found in W Indian Ocean, SW Arabian Peninsula, Tropical &
Subtropical Asia, including the Himalayas. Flowering: May-October.
Identification credit: Ashutosh Sharma
Photographed in Kullu District, Himachal Pradesh.
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