Tall Pale Primrose is a primrose species white or light purple tinged,
nodding flowers, in a lax umbel of 2-6 flowers, atop a slender stem 10-30
cm tall. Flowers are 1.2-2 cm across, with a purple tube 1-1.5 cm long.
Petals are shallowly notched. Sepal cup is 5-ribbed, with lance-shaped
sepals. The flower umbel emerges from a covering on top of the stem,
referred to as an involucre, the origin of the species name
involucrata. Leaves are at the base, and have stalks longer than
the blades. Leaf blades are oblong, blunt, with an entire or toothed
margin, 3-8 cm long. Tall Pale Primrose is commonly found in the
Himalayas, from Pankistan to SW China, at altitudes of 3000-4500 m.
Flowering: June-August.