Tall Cudweed is a robust herb with stems erect, 4-8 mm
across, 50-100 cm tall, unbranched or rarely branched below,
corymbosely branched above, densely woolly. Basal leaves wither away at
flowering; middle and lower leaves inverted-lanceshaped or almost
elliptic, 4-9 x 1-2 cm, leathery, both surfaces densely woolly, midrib
elevated, base decurrent, tip blunt. Flower-heads are 5-7 mm in
diameter, in corymbs on upper stem. Involucre yellow or whitish, 3- or
4-seriate, spherical, 5-6 mm wide, scarious. Flower-heads are
predominantly female, with 8-10 bisexual, tubular florets (functionally
male) and about 100 thread-like, female florets. Flower of female
florets are light yellow, 2-3 mm long; those of bisexual florets with
glandular teeth, 2.5-3 mm long. Stigma of female florets thread-like
and those of bisexual floret headlike. Seedpods are oblong, about 0.5
mm. Pappus is white, about 3 mm. Tall Cudweed is found at altitudes of
800-3200 m, in the Himalayas, from Kashmir to Bhutan, NE India, Burma,
Indo-China, Philippines, China, Taiwan. Flowering: July-October.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh.
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