Talbot Memecylon is a Trees ca. 8 m tall. Bark
grey, finely minutely fissured. Branchlets are cylindrical, hairless.
Leaves are simple, opposite. Leaf-stalks 0.5-1 cm long, planoconvex in
cross section, hairless. Leaves 5-10 x 1.8-5 cm, elliptic,
elliptic-lanceshaped, tip narrowly long-pointed, base narrowed t o
flat, margin entire, thinly leathery, drying olive green or yellowish
and rugose. Midrib is slightly channelled above, secondary nerves
obscure. Flowers are blue, borne in leaf axils or lateral fascicles on
short peduncles. Berry is up to 0.8 cm across, turning yellow when
ripe, seed 1. Talbot Memecylon is Endemic to the Western Ghats.
Identification credit: Shrikant Ingalhalikar
Photographed in Mundgetaggal, Karnataka.
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