Sweet Broom Weed is a branched herb with wiry stems, growing up to 1 m tall.
Small white, hairy flowers occur in leaf axils. The stamens are greenish
and the ovary is green. Flower-stalk is 5-10 mm, hairless. Calyx is lobed
to the base; sepals 4, ovate-oblong, about 2 mm, margin fringed with hairs,
tip blunt. Flowers are white, about 4 mm across. Tube is densely hairy at
throat, petals 2-3 mm, obovate roundish, upper petal slightly larger than
others. Stamens protruding. Style erect.
Narrowly elliptic, almost stalkless leaves are arranged oppositely or in
whorls of 3. Leaves are 3-4 X 1-1.5 cm wide, with serrated margins.
The capsule is nearly round. Sweet Broom Weed is native to Tropical &
Subtropical America, widely naturalized in India and Africa.
Medicinal uses: It is traditionally used in treatment of diabetes,
dysentery, earache, fever, gonorrhea, headaches, jaundice, snake bite,
stomach problems, toothache, warts.
Identification credit: Thingnam Rajshree
Photographed in East Siang distt., Arunachal Pradesh.
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