Swat Geranium
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Swat Geranium
P Native Photo: Sunit Singh
Common name: Swat Geranium
Botanical name: Geranium swatense    Family: Geraniaceae (Geranium family)

Swat Geranium is a perennial herb, 45 cm or more tall, with showy pink or white flowers. The flowers resemble Nepal Geranium, however are much larger. Petals are pink-purple or white, 1-1.4 cm long, obovate, fringed with hairs. Sepals are 7-10 mm, ovate, lanceshaped, glandular-velvet-hairy; awn 0.8-1.5 mm. Filaments about the size of sepals, dilated part long fringed with hairs, velvet-hairy. Flower-stalks are spreading, glandular, velvet-hairy, deflexed in fruit. Flower-cluster-stalks up to 10 cm long, glandular, 2-flowered. Bract are 5-6.5 mm long, Subulate-lanceshaped, glandular. vertical. Stems are 1-2, rising up, diffuse, slender, glandular hairy. Ste, leaves are 5-7-angled, 1.5-4 x 3-7 cm broad; kidney-shaped, palmately parted, hairy; segments rhomboid-wedge-shaped, upper half 3-lobed; end-lobes 3-fid, pointish or blunt; leaf-stalk appressed velvet-hairy or patent hairy. Stipules are 4.5-6 mm long, ovate tapering, some 2-partite or-fid, velvet-hairy. Beak is 2 cm long, patent glandular. Mericarps about 4 mm long, glandular hairy. Seed minutely netveined. Swat Geranium is found in N. Pakistan to W. Himalaya, at altitudes of about 2500 m. Flowering: June-August.

Identification credit: Sunit Singh, Imtyaz Photographed at Lassoni Machail, Kishtwar J&K.

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