Stocks Balsam
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Stocks Balsam
ative Photo: Anurag Sharma
Common name: Stocks Balsam
Botanical name: Impatiens stocksii    Family: Balsaminaceae (Balsam family)

Stocks Balsam is a slender herb, up to 15 cm tall. It is named for John E. Stocks (1822-1854), British botanist collecting in Asia. Leaves arise from root, variable, round-kidney-shaped, heart-shaped or oblong-ovate, rounded toothed at margin, 1.5-4.8 x 1.3-1.5 cm, velvet-hairy above, hairless beneath; nerves flabellate. Flowering stems are up to 10 cm long; bracts ovate, small; flower-stalks stout, about 1 cm long. Flowers are 3-6 in racemes, about 1.5-2 cm across, white with two yellow spots at the base. Lateral sepals ovate, blunt. Lip boat-shaped; spur short or absent. Standard petals is somewhat rhomboid, cucullate, rounded toothed as broad as long or broader. Wings 3-lobed; distal lobe longer. Capsules are ellipsoid, pointed; seeds linear-oblong, minute. Stocks Balsam is endemic to Southern Western Ghats.

Identification credit: Bhaskar V. Photographed in Chikamagalur, Karnataka.

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