Stinking Viburnum
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Stinking Viburnum
P Native Photo: Thingnam Girija
Common name: Stinking Viburnum • Khasi: Dieng-soh-lang, So-lang-ksew • Mizo: Zo-thei • Tangkhul: Raikuirathei
Botanical name: Viburnum foetidum    Family: Viburnaceae (Viburnum family)
Synonyms: Viburnum premnaceum, Viburnum foetidum var. foetidum

Stinking Viburnum is a semi-evergreen shrub up to 10 ft tall, with young shoots angular and reddish, downy, the hairs either simple or clustered. The species name refers to the disagreeable smell of the crushed leaves. Leaves have reddish stalks, are 2-8 cm long, about half as wide, either broadly ovate with a rounded base, on the older shoots varying to broadly elliptic and obovate, shallowly toothed to entire, more or less finely downy, especially on the three or four pairs of veins. Flowers are individually stalkless, in rounded branched clusters 5 cm across, each about 6 mm wide. Petals are white, anthers violet. Fruits are closely packed, scarlet-crimson, broadly oval to round, 6 mm wide. Stem bark used in making fishing net khanda and the fruit is eaten raw. Stinking Viburnum is found in NE India and Bhutan, northern Burma, at altitudes of 1200-3100 m. Flowering: May-August.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed at Shirui hill, Ukhrul, Manipur.

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