Sticky Blue Rod
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Sticky Blue Rod
ative Photo: Palak Thakor
Common name: Sticky Blue Rod • Marathi: सातमोडी Satmodi, Nukachuni • Telugu: Bodasaramamu, Gunta Kaamin • Bengali: Nukachoni
Botanical name: Stemodia viscosa    Family: Plantaginaceae (Plantain family)

Sticky Blue Rod is an aromatic perennial forb with purple or violet flowers over most of the year. It is a branched forb, 10-60 cm high. Oppositely arranged stalkless leaves, 1-4 cm long, are oblong, acute and heart-shaped at the base. Flowers occur either singly in leaf axils or in racemes at the end of branches. Flowers are violet, 8 mm long, two-lipped. Upper lip broad and erect, lower lip 3-lobed, spreading. Flowering: December-January.

Identification credit: Prashant Awale Photographed Surat, Gujarat & Pawna Nagar, Maharashtra.

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