Stalked-Flower Bluethread is a small annual herb,
about 7 cm tall, found in wet or damp places, with stem much reduced.
Leaves are either tiny in rosette, or absent. Flowers are violet,
bluish or pinkish, 6-8 mm long, borne singly or in clusters of 3 atop
relatively long stems. The distinct feature of Stalked-Flower
Bluethread, as compared to
Indian Bluethread (Burmannia
coelestis) is that the central flower is stalkless but the lateral
ones have stalks up to 1.2 cm long. Bracts are fine-tipped. Flowers are
prominently 3-winged. Capsule is ovoid. Stalked-Flower Bluethread is
native to Cambodia, China (Yunnan province), India (Assam, Goa,
Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Tamil Nadu), Laos, Malaysia,
Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Flowering: