Spreading White Violet is a perennial or annual herb
with leaves 0.5-3.5 by 1-2 cm, smaller on runners, nearly round to
ovate or elliptic, heart-shaped to wedge-shaped at base, somewhat
narrow to blunt or rounded, narrowing into a winged leaf-stalk, rounded
toothed to sawtoothed to rounded-toothed on margin. Stipules are 5-9 by
about 1 mm, lanceshaped or ovate-lanceshaped, long-pointed, toothed to
fringed, green or pale brown, free. Flowers are up to 9 mm, pale violet
to almost white. Sepals are 3-6 by 1-1.5 mm, lanceshaped to ovate,
pointed, sparsely hairy, fimbrio-fringed with hairs, green. Petals are
1.5-2 times as long as broad, obovate, the basal one prominently
smaller than the others, the laterals not bearded. Capsule is 4-6 mm,
ellipsoid, hairless. Spreading White Violet is found in mountain
forests, forest margins, grassy slopes, stream valleys, rock crevices,
below 2000 m, in East Himalaya, China North-Central, China
South-Central, China Southeast, Hainan, Japan, Laos, Myanmar,
Nansei-shoto, Nepal, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Fambong Lho Wildlife Sanctuary, Sikkim.
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