Spotted Arnebia is a perennial or annual, erect to
prostrate herb. Flowers are borne in a cyme at the top, up to 17 cm long
in fruit. Flowers
are arranged only on one side of the cluster, orange or yellow,
bracteate. Bracts are 6-8 x 1.2 mm, lanceshaped, obtuse. Sepals are 5,
densely hairy, 6-7 mm long, up to 1.1 cm in fruit, linear. Flowers are
hairy on the outside, tube 8 mm to 11 mm long. Limb is 5-6 mm broad,
spreading, with petals which are broadly ovate or semicircular,
frequently purple spotted. Anthers are 1.7 mm long, attached in the
middle of corolla tube or at the throat and somewhat protruding. Style
is forked, somewhat protruding (in long styled flowers) or not.
Stem is branched, sometimes simple, up to
1 foot long, densely hairy with stiff white hairs (up to 2.5 mm long)
with bulbous base, intermixed with soft weaker hairs. Leaves are
greyish or greyish-green in color, densely hairy. Basal leaves are 4-7
cm x 4-8 mm, stem leaves smaller, inverted-lanceshaped, blunt.
Spotted Arnebia is found in the Himalayas, from
Afghanistan to Ladakh, and C. Asia. Flowering: June-October.
Identification credit: Prashant Awale
Photographed in Ladakh.
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