Spectacular Himalayan Sage is a stout hoary perennial
with a stem 1-7 ft, with whorls of rosy-pink flowers in a interrupted
spike at the top, and with the hooded upper lip beautifully fringed
with long silvery hairs. Whorls of flowers are 4-5 cm across. Flowers
are about 1.5 cm, the tube shorter than the sepal-cup; sepal-cup with
spreading spiny awl-shaped sepals about one third as long as the
sepal-tube; bracts awl-shaped, curved. Leaves are broadly ovate-heart-
shaped, up to 30 cm, long-stalked, coarsely toothed or shallowly lobed,
wrinkled, paler with star-shaped hairs beneath. Spectacular Himalayan
Sage is found from Afghanistan to East Himalaya, at altitudes of
1600-4000 m. Flowering: June-July.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Dudu valley, Jammu & Kashmir.
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