South-Indian Rungia is a shrub with stem round,
hairless. Flowers are white, 1.8 cm long, white with brown spots,
thinly hairy, upper lip notched; filaments hairless. Sepals are 7 x 1.5
mm, lanceshaped, spiny-tipped. Leaves are 6-8 x 3-5 cm,
ovate-lanceshaped, tip pointed, hairless, nerves 6-8 pairs; leaf-stalk
2 cm long. Spikes 3-6 x 2 cm, oblong, stalked, floral bracts white, 16
x 7 mm, lateral ones empty, elliptic to obovate, pointed, fringed with
hairs; bracteoles 10 x 2 mm, linear.Capsule 9 mm long, velvet-hairy;
seeds 4, rugose, brown. South-Indian Rungia is endemic to Southern
Western Ghats. Flowering: July-January.
Identification credit: N Arun Kumar
Photographed in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu.
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