South-Indian Microtropis is a shrub or small tree with tiny
creamish flowers borne in tight clusters. Leaves are elliptic or
inverted-lanceshaped, 4-15 x 1.5-5 cm, tip bluntly pointed, base
narrowed, somewhat leathery; nerves 4-9 pairs; leaf-stalk about 1.5 cm
long to almost absent. Flowers are yellowish, in clusters in
leaf-axils, bracteoles small, ovate, 1-2 mm long. Sepals are somewhat
kidney-shaped, 1-2 x 2-3 mm, margin fringed. Petals are obovate-oblong,
2 mm long, blunt. Stamens are 2-3 mm long. Fruits are ellipsoid or
oblong-obovoid, 10 x 5 mm with persistent style. South-Indian Microtropis is
found in Western Ghats, in forests at about 1300 m, in Karnataka, Tamil
Nadu and Kerala, Sri Lanka and Malesia. Flowering: February-September.
Identification credit: N Arun Kumar
Photographed in Karnataka.
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