Small-Flowered Himalayan Lungwort
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Small-Flowered Himalayan Lungwort
P Native Photo: Sam Kuzhalanattu
Common name: Small-Flowered Himalayan Lungwort
Botanical name: Decalepidanthus parviflorus    Family: Boraginaceae (Forget-me-not family)
Synonyms: Pseudomertensia parviflora, Mertensia exserta, Moltkia parviflora

Small-Flowered Himalayan Lungwort is a perennial herb, spreading by suckers. Flowers are borne in short branch-end scorpioid cymes 2-4 cm long, which are paired or not. Flowers about equal the sepal-cup or slightly longer; petals about 1-1.5 mm long, blunt to somewhat pointed. Anthers prominently protrude out. Sepal-cup is 5-partite; sepals 2.5-5.3 mm long, linear, dense hairy on the margin, less so on the surface. Style is 5-6 mm long, stigma capitate. Flower-stalks are 1-2 mm long, up to 4 mm in fruit. Shoots are up to 15 cm tall, leafy, appressed hairy. Basal leaves including leaf-stalk, are 30-50 x 4-8 mm, inverted-lanceshaped to narrow oblong, both surfaces covered with appressed hairs. Stem leaves are inverted-lanceshaped to lanceshaped, smaller and narrower. Nutlets are 1.5-2 mm long, ovoid, smooth, shiny. Small-Flowered Himalayan Lungwort is found in E. Afghanistan to W. Himalaya, fairly common and gregarious in the forest zone in open places, slopes at altitudes of 1500-2700 m. Flowering: April-May.

Identification credit: Gurcharan Singh Photographed in Gulmarg, Kashmir.

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