Simple-Leaved Aglaia is a small trees up to 6 m
tall. Twigs are greyish-brown, usually with reddish-brown star-shaped
hairs. Leaves are simple, alternate, spiral; leaf-stalks 1.3-4 cm long,
swollen at both ends, hairy. Leaf blade is 9.5-22.5 x 4.9-10.4 cm,
elliptic to obovate, tip tapering with blunt tip, base blunt or
pointed, margin entire; midrib flat above; secondary nerves 12-14
pairs, prominent beneath. Inflorescence is up to 15 cm long and 10 cm
wide, flower-cluster-stalk up to 1 cm, axis, branches and flower-stalks
densely covered with star-shaped hairs. Flowers are nearly spherical,
stalk up to 2 mm. Calyx deeply divided into 5 nearly rotund sepals
which are densely covered with star-shaped scales. Petals are 5,
yellow, obovate, aestivation quincuncial. Staminal tube is nearly as
long as the petals, obovoid, with a small aperture; anthers about ½ the
length of the tube, broadly ovoid, in the upper half of the tube, not
or just protruding through the aperture. Fruits are up to 4 cm long,
obovoid or subspherical, brown, or pale yellow, not splitting open,
with a thick woody pericarp up to 5 mm thick and densely covered with
star-shaped hairs on the outside; pericarp often longitudinally ridged.
Simple-Leaved Aglaia is found in Indo-Malesia. In India it is found in
Western Ghats. Flowering: November-January.
Identification credit: Siddarth Machado
Photographed in Brahmagiri Range, Kodagu, Karnataka.
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