Silky Snoutbean
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Silky Snoutbean
ative Photo: Anurag Sharma
Common name: Silky Snoutbean
Botanical name: Rhynchosia rothii    Family: Fabaceae (Pea family)
Synonyms: Rhynchosia sericea, Rhynchosia mollissima

Silky Snoutbean is a woody, twining, velvet-hairy plant, with hairs spreading, glandular. Leaves are trifoliolate, stalk 5-10 cm long, central leaflet 5-7.5 cm long and broad, rhomboid or circular, the lateral leaflets very oblique, margin wavy, pointed to tapering, velvet-hairy on boths sides, gland dotted on the lower side. Leaflet stalks are 2.5 mm long, stipules 1.0-1.2 cm long. Flowers are borne in stalked raceme, 20-30 cm long, in leaf axils. Bracts are much longer than the flower-stalk. Calyx is about 7.5 mm long, pubescent and gland dotted; upper teeth partly fused, the lower longer than the cup. Vexillum velvet-hairy and glandular at the back. Fruit 2.5-3.0 cm long, c. 7.5 mm broad, pubescent, 2-seeded. Silky Snoutbean is found in Indo-Malesia. Flowering: July-September.

Identification credit: Nidhan Singh Photographed at Nandi Hills, Karnataka.

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