Sickle Bean is a slender climber, with stems
bristly. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; leaflets 1.5-9 x 2-9 cm, broadly
ovate-rhombic or ovate, sometimes slightly to distinctly 3-lobed,
rounded to tapering at the tip, rounded at the base, occasionally paler
around the midvein, densely to sparsely velvet-hairy or becoming
hairless on both surfaces, 3-veined from the base; leaf-stalk 1.1-7 cm
long; rachis 2-14 mm long; leaflet-stalks 1–5 mm long; stipules 3–10 mm
long, ovate-lanceshaped or elliptic, mostly pointed, 5–7-striped, erect
or reflexed, persistent; stipels minute. Racemes 4 cm long,
2-flowered; bracts ovate, tapering. Flowers are reddish-mauve,
purplish-blue, or pinkish, often with darker flushing or veining,
sometimes greenish outside. calyx 6 mm long, upper 2 lobes fused,
bristly; standard 15 mm broad, round, retuse; wings deep
pinkish-purple, 8-15 x 9-12 mm, almost round; keel paler. Pods are
2.5-9.5 cm x 6-12 mm, oblong, sickle shaped, hairless or minute finely
velvet-hairy on the surfaces, 4-7-seeded. Sickle Bean is found in
Africa and East Asia.
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed in Yelagiri Hills & Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu.
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