Siberian Primrose
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Siberian Primrose
P Native Photo: Jasmine Star
Common name: Siberian Primrose, Sleepy primrose • Chinese: 天山报春 Tian Shan Bao Chun
Botanical name: Primula nutans    Family: Primulaceae (Primrose family)
Synonyms: Primula sibirica

Siberian Primrose is a perennial herb with flowers borne in a 2-6-flowered umbel, atop a hairless flowering stem 10-25 cm long. Flowers are heterostylous, pinkish purple, tube 6-10 mm; limb 1-2 cm across, petals obovate, deeply notched. Pin flowers: stamens at middle of flower tube; style protruding. Thrum flowers: stamens toward tip of flower tube; style not protruding. Sepal-cup is tubular-bell-shaped, 5-8 mm, often brownish dotted, slightly constricted at base, parted to 1/3, 5-ribbed; sepals oblong to triangular, densely glandular ciliolate, tip pointed to blunt. Leaves form a rosette at the base, leaf-stalk nearly as long as leaf blade, occasionally 1-3 times as long as leaf blade; leaf blade ovate to oblong or nearly round, 0.5-2.5 x 0.4-1.5 cm, base rounded to wedge-shaped, margin entire to obscurely finely toothed, tip blunt. bracts oblong, 5-8 mm, glandular frilly-hairy, prolonged below into blunt 1-1.5 mm long ears, tip blunt to apiculate. Flower-stalks are 0.5-2.2 cm long. Capsules are cylindric, 7-8 mm. Siberian Primrose is found in wet meadows, marshes at altitudes of 600-3800 m, from Subarctic Siberia southwards to the Himalaya. Flowering: May-June.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed in Pang, Ladakh.

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