Shrubby Pencil-Flower is a small shrubby perennial herb, sometimes only
short-lived. Stems are erect or sometimes prostrate, growing up to 1 m
long, densely hairy and sometimes bristly. Leaves are trifoliolate -
leaflets elliptic to lance-shaped, up to 3.3 cm long, velvety and bristly.
Margin is entire, often thickened. Flowers are borne in dense heads in
leaf axils and at the end of branches. Normally one flower opens at the
time. Flowers are shaped like pea-flowers, with the standard petal
creamy-white to orange-yellow with red veining and red at the base. Wings
and keel are yellow. Pod is 1-2-jointed, 4-9 mm long, beaked. Found Flowering: December.
Identification credit: J. M. Garg
Photographed in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
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